Simulation-driven design is an engineering approach that leverages on advanced computer aided tools to drive the design and development process before the physical product is built. Our engineers use a suite of computer-aided software to support various stages of product development. Computer-aided-Design (CAD) tools translate imaginative concepts into detailed 2D/3D visualisations. Computer-aided-Engineering (CAE) tools give engineers a safety net for catching errors early, improving product performance and cutting costs.


Key Benefits

·         Protect Your Business’s Reputation

·         Improved efficiency & Cost Reduction

·         Identify Flaws and Potential Problems

·         Optimise Product Performance

·         Design Validation

·         Streamlined Manufacturing Processes

·         Improve Yield and Product Reliability

Design Capabilities

#EDA #CAD #Firmware Development #3D Scanning


Simulation Capabilities

#Optics #Lighting #Stress/Strain Analysis #Thermal #CFD #Modal #CAE

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